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Katsuobushi Bonito Flakes

Katsuobushi Bonito Flakes

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Katsuobushi - Bonito Flakes - 500g Bag

  • Katsuo Bushi bonito flakes, or katsuobushi, are tissue-paper thin fish shavings with intense umami flavours.
  • They come from a tuna-like Pacific fish which is dried, fermented to wood-like hardness and then smoked.
  • Use along with dried kelp to form the base of the Japanese stock dashi.
  • Also use the dried bonito to garnish salads and light, Japanese dishes such as fried tofu or somen noodles. Or gently heat with soy sauce, sesame seeds and a touch of honey to make okaka - a popular Japanese seasoning for onigiri rice balls.
  • Ingredients: 100% Skipjack tuna (fish).

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